Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How To Configure Weblogic XA JDBC Connections To IBM i DB2

Applies To

  • Oracle Weblogic 10.3
  • Oracle SOA
  • IBM Toolkit for Java (JTOpen/jt400.jar)


ให้สามารถทำงาน Two phase commit กับ iSeries/DB2 และ AS400/DB2 ด้วย JDBC driver ได้ ทั้งนี้ยังสามารถนำไปใช้กับ Software อื่นๆที่สนับสนุนงานที่เป็น Global transaction เช่น Oracle Service Bus 11g เป็นต้น


Weblogic Server

  1. Download Driver
    JDBC driver สำหรับ DB2 บน IBM i มีอยู่ 2 แบบ คือ
    1) Native JDBC ซึ่งได้มาจาก IBM Developer Kit for Java
    2) Toolbox JDBC ได้มาจาก IBM Toolbox for Java หรือ JTOpen JDBC driver ซึ่งเป็น open source version ของ IBM Toolbox for Java สามารถ Download ได้ที่ (ปัจจุบัน version 7.10)
    *** ในตัวอย่างนี้จะใช้ของ JTOpen
  2. Unzip and copy
    cp lib/jt400.jar $WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/lib/
    cp lib/jt400.jar $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/
  3. Verify permissions of the driver files:
    chown oracle:oinstall $WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/lib/jt400.jar
    chown oracle:oinstall $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/jt400.jar
    chmod 644 $WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/lib/jt400.jar
    chmod 644 $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/jt400.jar
  4. Add the driver library to the weblogic class path:
    vi $WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/
    Add the following line:
            export CLASSPATH="$WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/lib/jt400.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
    จากนั้น Restart WLS

  5. Configure the Connection Pool
    WLS Console:
    a) In the Domain Structure Pane (Left side), click on Deployments
    b) Click on the DbAdapter link in the Deployments table
    c) Click on the “Configuration” Tab
    d) Click on the “Outbound Connection Pools” sub-Tab
    e) Expand the “javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory” by clicking on the + button.
    f)  Click the New button to create a new connection pool.
    g) Click the radio button beside “javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory” to select it. Click Next.
    h) Enter a JNDI Name in the format “eis/DB/{Connection Name}” (without the quotes)
        For example: eis/DB/mtl400
    i) Click Finish
    j) Back in the “Groups and Instances” list of the “Outbound Connection Pools” expand the
       “javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory” node. Again, do not click on the text link, instead, expand      the list by clicking the + box in front of the text.
    k) Find the “eis/DB/{Connection Name} Entry that you created and click on it to configure it.

    You are presented with a Properties tab that has a list “Outbound Connection Properties”
    Note: To change property values in this page, you need to click on the property value text, change the value and then hit enter. If you do not hit enter and navigate away, or click on another field, the values will not persist.

    l) Change the platformClassName
    m) set the xADataSourceName to the format: jdbc/{Connection Name}DataSource
         For example: jdbc/mtl400v2

    n) Click Save button
    o) Click the Transaction Tab
    p) Change the Transaction Support to “XA Transaction”
    q) Click Save
  6. Create the DataSource
    a) Click on Home to return to the main Weblogic Server Administration Console Window.
    b) In the “Service” pane under “Domain Configurations” click on the “Data Sources” link.
    c) Click the New button and select “Generic Data Source” from the list.
    d) Set the Name value to {Connection Name}
        For example: MTL400
    e) set the JNDI Name to the format: jdbc/{Connection Name}DataSource
        For example: jdbc/mtl400v1
        Note: this value has to match the value entered into the xADataSourceName exactly.
    f) In the “Database Type:” list, select “DB2 for i5/OS”
    g) Click Next button
    h) In the Database Driver list, select “JTOpen's DB2 for i5/OS Driver (Type 4 XA) IBM Toolkit for Java; Versions 8.X and later”
    i) Click Next Button
    j) Click Next Button (for the Transaction Options page)
       You are presented with the “Create a New JDBC Data Source” page.
    k) Enter your database name... this would be the default library your connecting to...
    For example: TESTDB
    l) Enter your host name or IP Address of iSeries or AS400 server. If entering a name, make sure it resolves (can be pinged) on that server using ping {hostname}.
    m) For the port enter your port number – this is usually 446 for iSeries DB2 (*DRDA)
    n) Enter valid database credentials... username and password fields...
    o) Click Next Button
        You are prompted with the Test Database Connection pane...
    p) In the properties window, add the following entries – one per line, no delimiters:
        translate binary=true
        serverName={Your iSeries/AS400 hostname or IP}
    q) Change the “Test Table Name:” value
                       SQL SELECT count(*) FROM qsys2.systables
    r) Click the “Test Configuration” Button
    s) Make a note of the Messages you receive back at the top of the window.
    t) Click the Next Button and check the Servers where you want this deployed.
       For example, “AdminServer” and then click Finish.

    *** Notes on Two Phase Commit operations involving iSeries/DB2 tables
    Any tables involved in XA operations (two phase commit) will require journaling to be enabled on those tables on the iSeries/AS400. This can be accomplished using the STRJRNPF command from green screen/5250 terminal. This is the general format:
    Make sure that your iSeries admin provide the correct values for the journal settings if the tables you are working with are not journaled.

Good Luck.


  1. very helpful with detail steps. Thx.

  2. Great blog. The detailed steps were very useful.

  3. Great Post!!

    I have an issue with polling. DB Adapter is unable to update the Read flag to 'Y' after processing the record and multiple instances are being generated for the same record since the read flag is not updated. Could you please provide some pointers to resolve the issue. Will this issue arises if the tables are not journalised?



  4. this tutorial very helpful, thank you.
